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Et quatre hauts gradés de la police antiterroriste, accusés d'avoir recruté des collègues pour participer aux manifestations contre la présidente sont sous les verrous.Washington embarassed by threat of civil war in IraqWashington: As much by way of a reflex reaction as due to a lack of options, the Bush administration has been trying to play things down in Iraq since the explosion of violence that followed the destruction of the mosque in Samarra. Once again, changing nothing is seen by Washington as the best strategy. George W. Bush spent an hour on the telephone on Saturday [25 February] talking to the principal Iraqi political leaders, thanking them for their appeals for calm and encouraging them to resume political negotiations. On Friday [24 February] he declared that Iraq was ''facing a choice'' between unity and civil war. ''The coming period will be difficult and testing,'' warned the US president, who nevertheless declared that he was optimistic ''because the Iraqis want to be free''. sac bagage longchamp pas cher The return to the negotiating table, on Sunday [26 February], by the principal Sunni group with a view to forming a government further convinced him of this. Zalmay Khalilzad, the US ambassador to Iraq, believes the same, seeing in the present period of ''danger'' an ''opportunity'' to consolidate the national unity. But at the same time one detects great embarrassment behind the scenes of the administration, where there is virtually no margin for manoeuvre. On tour in the Middle East, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice acknowledged the ''extremely serious and delicate'' nature of the situation, but without offering any solution. ''When one tries to divide them, the Iraqis find a way of coming together,'' she remarked. On Sunday, Stephen Hadley, the national security adviser, expressed ''the hope (.. sac balzane longchamp pas cher
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